Thursday, September 7, 2023

Who's eating lots of beef?

I would need to see at least one more independent study that confirms these results, before I totally buy them. That said, it's encouraging data in a way, given beef's environmental/climate impacts among other things. Unfortunately consumption is only likely to keep rising, at least for a while yet, in some other countries like China.
A new study has found that only about 12% of people in the U.S. consume more than half of the beef eaten in the country on any given day. According to the researchers, the highest consumption was more likely to occur with men or people aged 50 to 65...

The survey collected information of what more than 10,000 adults ate within a 24-hour period. The researchers were surprised to find that so much beef consumption was coming from a small percentage of people.

“On one hand, if it’s only 12% accounting for half the beef consumption, you could make some big gains if you get those 12% on board,” Diego Rose, corresponding and senior author of the study and professor and nutrition program director at Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, said in a statement. “On the other hand, those 12% may be most resistant to change.” Rose also noted that beef is high in saturated fat, which raises health concerns. - EcoWatch

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