Monday, August 28, 2023

Massive fossil fuels subsidies continue, in spite of it all

In theory, what we could use in this country is nationalization of Big Filthy Fossil Fuels. This would help in getting them phased out more rapidly, and in neutering them politically. Forced buyouts actually wouldn't cost us taxpayers much, if they're done in the manner of the sorts of leveraged buyouts beloved of "free marketers." "In theory" because something so sensible is highly unlikely to happen any time soon.
Imagine a bunch of people who are kidnapped and tortured by being put in a hot room, and their tormentors keep turning up the thermostat. So the prisoners stage a revolt and grab control of the thermostat. But they turn it up on themselves, making the room even hotter, and black out from heat stroke.

It isn’t a very satisfying thriller because the prisoners act in a bewildering way, joining in to torture themselves.

It is, however, the thriller we are living, however bizarre the characters’ actions.

The International Monetary Fund reports that the nations of the globe indirectly subsidized fossil fuels, the sources of dangerous greenhouse gases causing global heating, to the tune of $7 trillion in 2022. In other words, we’re acting like we are brain dead. So report Simon Black, Ian Parry, Nate Vernon at the IMF. - Informed Comment

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