Thursday, June 22, 2023

Renewables installation is speeding up, but needs to speed up faster

A lot faster. Plenty of remaining impediments need to be removed, by any means available.
But whether Earthlings have the political and sociological capability to alter that lethal global warming trajectory remains an unanswered question. The historical record is inauspicious in this regard. Time will tell. And since time is short, the answer will be apparent before long. What we do have is the economic and technological capability to stop well short of that disastrous 4.9° F.

One of the quickest ways to get greenhouse gas emissions reduced is to greatly reduce demand for products that generate them. The progress on renewables is on the cusp of doing just that. Creating and spreading environmentally sound technology is, of course, far from the only thing that must be done to stop the wrecking of our planet. In that regard, there is plenty to talk about. But it’s encouraging to see some elements of the antidote accelerating along with the acceleration of climate impacts. The International Energy Agency’s latest outlook on renewables including energy storage is upbeat in the matter. - Daily Kos

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