Wednesday, July 8, 2020

DeVos contemplates grotesque, despicable abuse of power

If she does follow through, this would likely quickly fall to legal challenges. But that it's being considered is another indicator of what loathsome sociopaths are now running the federal executive branch.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said Tuesday that she is “very seriously” considering withholding federal funding from schools that don’t reopen in the fall...

She told (Tucker) Carlson on Tuesday that fears of coronavirus transmission from public health officials was an example of “fearmongering.” - The Hill
"If schools reopen this fall, more people will likely die. Full stop." - Truthout

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, remember when Republicans were pushing to terminate the Department of Education and the federal government involvement ? Your memory does not have to go back to far ... remember Rick Perry's Oops moment when he only remembered Education, Commerce, and ... oops

    I see that Jason Lewis is tweeting this line .... gosh, remember his book "Power Divided is Power Checked: The Argument for States Rights" and the assessment that "from religion to education to crime and punishment--fell squarely under the power of the states".

    Thirdly, what happened to all those folks that told us public schools were so bad that kids needed to be home schooled ... now, they say kids need schools to develop social skills.

    I find it ironic that while America is still in its first wave, that Israel is now experiencing its second wave and starting to shut down various operations ... including schools.

    When will the insanity end ?
    Answer ... maybe 2022 ... 'cause the vaccines will take a while to be produced, and then the goal is to develop a vaccine that is 50% successful, so 2022 may be too optimistic.
