Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What does "media losing its Trump bump" really mean?

I saw this this morning, though what it’s about has apparently been noticeable for a while.
Top news executives tell Axios that a real "Trump slump" is hitting digital, cable and more.
Why it matters: The shock factor around President Trump's unplanned announcements, staff departures, taunting tweets and erratic behavior is wearing off, and media companies are scrambling to find their next big moneymaker.
Driving the news: Executives tell Axios that Trump fatigue is very real: Interest in political coverage overall is down, which is spurring investments in other beats, like technology and the global economy. - Axios
The following is just a few thoughts, not the result of any effort at deep profundity. Several possibilities come quickly to mind:

1. People who have been pretty solid Trump fans are becoming disinterested, even disillusioned. (He will always have his real diehards.)

2. A lot of people across the political board are experiencing Trump fatigue, for now. That is, they’re just no longer into following his daily displays of demented buffoonery. But many will start paying attention again in the coming election year.

3. People are deciding that the utterly corrupt, degraded, and at times actually quite frightening spectacle of this deranged lunatic in the White House is really no big deal after all.

Obviously, #1 is best, and #3 is worst. It’s probably some combination of the above, along with other things I haven’t thought of.

The extent to which media losing its Trump mojo may or may not equal Trump losing his electoral mojo remains to be seen.

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