Friday, February 22, 2019

MN AG: Ellison joins one of many Trump-blocking lawsuits

From Monday:
Attorney General Keith Ellison announced today that Minnesota is joining a multistate lawsuit, led by the State of California, to enjoin the Trump administration from illegally and unconstitutionally diverting federal funds to build a wall along the United States southern border that President Trump announced in his emergency declaration on Friday, February 15. Minnesota is one of 16 states to join the lawsuit.
“President Trump, who has been unable to persuade Congress and the American people that a wall is necessary, is harming the people of Minnesota by forcing this constitutional crisis. I have joined this lawsuit because I cannot allow him to do that,” Attorney General Ellison said. - MN Attorney General website
It seems pretty likely that the Supreme Court will block Trump's effort. In fact, I suspect that Chief "Justice" John Roberts is pushing hard for a 9-0 vote (though he may not get it), because of what letting Trump get away with this would potentially mean for the "constitutional balance of power," or whatever.

As far as I'm concerned, one of the first steps that the new, Democratic president should take, in January 2021, is to demand that all judicial appointments made by, among many other reprehensible and contemptible things, a god-damned traitor against the United States of America, immediately resign. (And, yes, that includes Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.) One could indeed argue that the new prez would be derelict in her own duties, if she lets those appointments stand.

Probably a pipe dream, I know. But having Trump-appointed judges block every effort in coming decades to make things better is to my mind far more unthinkable. When things have gone very, very wrong, we have the right to do what it takes to fix them.

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