Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Agriculture commissioners are sticking their noses where they don't belong

Sone state ag commissioners are OK. Some aren't. This is from an article that goes into depth on the matter.
America’s 50 state agriculture commissioners receive far less attention and news coverage than most other statewide officials, such as governors and attorneys general.

However, these individuals hold significant influence over local farming policies, oversee state agencies dedicated to food safety and often set the tone for how environmental regulations are enforced within the local agriculture sector…

“The work is so broad with regards to fuel production, with regards to clothing (production), food safety, natural disaster response, forest management,” said RJ Karney, senior director of public policy for the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture. “It’s not just about rural communities and their farms.”

…“It is often hard to tell who has an R or has a D next to their name,” said Karney, referring to Republican or Democratic officials.

But many of the elected commissioners have increasingly latched onto partisan issues, including some that would not appear to have much of a connection to agriculture policies. - Investigate Midwest

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